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Leesburg Divorce Attorney > Blog > Divorce > When Your Ex Stalks You Either During Or After A Divorce

When Your Ex Stalks You Either During Or After A Divorce


There are some couples who mutually agree to a divorce and the terms involved, maintaining  civil and even cordial relationships with one another throughout the process. However, it is far more common for couples to take an adversarial stance towards one another. Your spouse may object to getting a divorce, refuse to comply in regards to divorce proceedings, and generally be unwilling to accept their reduced role in your life. This can result in all types of potentially harmful behaviors, including stalking. If your spouse has taken to following you, contacting you against your wishes at home or work, or otherwise invading your privacy, it is important to be aware of the steps you can take to protect yourself.

Stalking Is Common In A Divorce 

Stalking is an unfortunately common problem both before and after a divorce. It can impact your home and social life, as well as your career, health, and overall peace of mind. Perpetrated by an ex or soon-to-be former spouse, it may consist of any of the following actions:

  • Appearing unexpectedly at your home;
  • Showing up at your work or school;
  • Following you in public places;
  • Calling, sending emails, or texting you in an inappropriate way;
  • Sending card, gifts, or other objects through the mail;
  • Intruding on social media accounts and other online activities;
  • Attempting to contact your family or friends for information about you.

Under the Virginia Code, stalking is categorized as a misdemeanor crime that can result in heavy fines and a potential jail sentence. When it occurs between spouses or other family members, such as in a divorce, it is considered a type of domestic violence.

Putting A Stop To Stalking

Stalking is more than just an annoyance. It can impact your job, personal life, and general health. As a form of domestic violence, it can also escalate, eventually leading to acts of physical violence.  If you are being stalked by your spouse during a divorce or in the weeks and months immediately after, there are actions you can take to protect yourself:

  • Keep a journal detailing all incidents involving your spouse;
  • Inform your family and your employer of the problem;
  • Notify the police when stalking occurs;
  • Discuss the situation with our Leesburg divorce attorney at once.

Depending on the situation, you may be entitled to get a protective order in Virginia that requires your spouse to maintain their distance and to refrain from attempting to contact you in any way. If they fail to comply with this order, they could face serious penalties, including fines and immediate arrest.

Contact Us Today for Help 

Stalking and other types of harassing behaviors on the part of your spouse can be a serious problem both during and after a divorce. At Schwartz Kalina, PLLC., you can count on us to take the legal actions needed to protect you, which may include getting a protective order. Do not take any chances when it comes to your safety. To request a consultation, call or contact our Leesburg divorce attorneys online today.

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