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Leesburg Divorce Attorney > Blog > Child Support > Five Signs You Need To Talk To A Divorce Attorney

Five Signs You Need To Talk To A Divorce Attorney


All couples go through occasionally rocky patches in their relationship. However, there are some problems that can indicate more serious issues and that a divorce may be imminent. To protect yourself and your rights in this situation, it is important to consult with an experienced divorce attorney in Loudoun County. The following are five signs to be alert for:

  1. You are currently separated from your spouse. 

Going through a marital separation can provide a cooling off period and gives you both a chance to gain some perspective on your marriage. However, it is important to acknowledge both the problems that led to the split and how willing each person is to work at resolving them. Whether you end up reconciling or eventually file for a divorce, speak to our divorce attorney about the situation to ensure you are protected.

  1. You remain together but live separate lives. 

Marriage.com advises that one of the most common signs that a divorce is imminent is when couples find themselves continuing to live together while leading completely separate lives. This kind of situation can develop slowly over the years, leading to feelings of frustration, depression, and hopelessness. Rather than remaining in a lonely marriage, it may be more healthy to consider your options in terms of divorce.

  1. You are constantly disagreeing. 

Constant fights and disagreements are the opposite end of the spectrum and can take a toll on you, your children, and others involved. Having to battle over the smallest things and fear that your spouse will lose their temper is bad for your mental health. It can also deteriorate to the point of domestic violence, which includes physical abuse as well as put downs, taunts, stalking, causing damage to property, and threats.

  1. Property and or assets are disappearing. 

Under the Virginia Code, you have the right to a portion of property and assets earned or acquired over the course of your marriage. This includes real estate, vehicles, household belongings, and personal items, as well as shares in businesses, money in bank accounts, and retirement benefits. In some cases, a spouse will begin hiding assets or transferring ownership prior to a divorce to avoid having to share them in a settlement. If you notice money or property disappearing, it is important to speak with a divorce attorney right away. 

  1. Marital infidelity is an issue. 

Marital infidelity is a common causes of divorce. If your spouse cheats, it could affect your spouse’s rights in a divorce case. If you are the one contemplating an affair, speak to our Loudoun County divorce attorneys first as it could impact your rights regarding marital property, spousal support, and child custody.

Contact an Attorney for Help

Get the trusted legal guidance you need when dealing with problems in your marriage and reach out to Schwartz Kalina, PLLC. To request a confidential consultation, call or contact our Leesburg divorce attorneys online today.

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