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Leesburg Divorce Attorney > Blog > Mediation > Benefits Of Mediation In Loudoun County Divorce And Child Custody Proceedings

Benefits Of Mediation In Loudoun County Divorce And Child Custody Proceedings


One of the most contentious and time-consuming aspects of getting a divorce in Loudoun County involves resolving issues pertaining to money, property, and children. These issues must be addressed before you can get a final divorce order in your case. Rather than wasting time and money arguing about these matters for months, mediation offers a better alternative. Find out more about the benefits.

Mediation Helps Resolve Important Issues Pertaining To Divorce and Child Custody

Under the Virginia Code, marital property and assets must be divided on an equitable basis when getting a divorce. This means that rather than automatically splitting everything 50/50, arrangements will need to be negotiated that are fair to both parties involved. If there are children from the marriage, you will also need to work out child custody and create a parenting plan.  Decisions made regarding these matters can impact your rights, your relationships, and your financial security for years into the future.

As a result, resolving divorce-related issues is typically time-consuming. Mediation is a more effective and efficient option. The general process involves:

  • A divorce mediator, who is an impartial third party, is selected by the parties;
  • After consulting with their individual attorneys, the divorcing couple can meet with the mediator privately, or jointly with the attorneys present;
  • The mediator, who is briefed on the specific issues in the case, encourages communication between the couple in an effort to reach an agreement;
  • The mediator may offer recommendations, but they cannot force you to agree to anything or issue any final orders in your case.

The Benefits of Mediation In Divorce and Child Custody Cases

When filing for a divorce through the Loudoun County Circuit Court, it is possible to get a final order entered in as little as a few months. What typically delays these proceedings, in some cases up to a year, or possibly even longer, are disputes concerning money, property, and children.

Mediation can help you avoid this problem. In addition to helping resolve your case in a more timely manner, other benefits of mediation include:

  • Allows for more personalized arrangements: Rather than simply having the judge decide on sensitive matters that impact your family, you can negotiate an arrangement that works in your specific situation.
  • Protects your privacy: Rather than discussing private issues pertaining to your marriage and breakup in a public court setting, mediation is private and confidential.
  • Encourages healthy communication: If you have children or will be receiving spousal support, you will need to have ongoing contact with your former spouse. Mediation lays the groundwork for more healthy communications.
  • Saves money in legal fees: Mediation can save you money both in court costs and attorney fees.

Contact Us Today for Help

At Schwartz Kalina, PLLC, we provide the trusted legal guidance you need when going through a divorce and can advise you on whether mediation may be an option in your case. To request a consultation, call or contact our Leesburg mediation attorneys online today.

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