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Leesburg Divorce Attorney > Blog > Divorce > Financial Abuse: What Is it And How It Impacts Divorce In Virginia

Financial Abuse: What Is it And How It Impacts Divorce In Virginia


Money problems are at the heart of many marital disagreements and are a leading factor in divorce. Financial abuse, in which your partner deprives you of access to funds and takes other actions that threaten your financial security, is another matter. Considered a type of domestic violence, it can end up having major impacts on your case if you are considering getting a divorce in Leesburg.  

Financial Abuse: A Common Type of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence can involve physical acts, such as hitting, punching, and pushing, as well as sexual abuse, emotional abuse, threats, stalking, and causing property damages. The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) advises that it may also involve financial abuse.

In general, domestic violence is about the abusers desire to control, intimidate, and manipulate the victim. Jeopardizing their financial security and restricting the access to funds is a common tactic.  Ways in which financial abuse occurs include:

  • Preventing you from working or requiring that you surrender your paycheck.
  • Requiring you to live on a meager allowance that fails to meet you or your children’s needs;
  • Prohibiting you from having access to credit cards and financial accounts;
  • Not giving you a say in any financial decisions that are made;
  • Stealing your identity and obtaining credit in your name;
  • Forcing you to falsify tax returns or write bad checks.

How Financial Abuse Impacts Your Rights In A Divorce

It takes courage to leave an abusive relationship. Once you make this choice, you will find numerous sources of encouragement, practical help, and support. In addition to community resources available in Leesburg, state divorce laws can also work in your favor.

Under the Virginia Code, cruelty is listed as one of the grounds for getting a divorce. Denying you access to money and forcing you to live below a certain standard would certainly fall under this category. The general circumstances surrounding your situation can be listed as part of your divorce petition, as could any threats or acts of intimidation your partner made.

In addition to providing grounds for divorce in Loudoun County, financial abuse could also be a factor that works in your favor in resolving the following divorce-related issues:

  • Division of marital property: Your spouse’s actions may entitle you to a larger share in of property and assets in these proceedings;
  • Spousal support: After having deprived you of money you were otherwise entitled to over the course of your marriage, the judge in your case may order your former partner to pay spousal support, otherwise known as alimony;
  • Child custody: Your spouse’s abusive actions are likely to be a major factor in any child custody proceedings.

Let Us Help You Today

When leaving an abusive spouse, you can count on Schwartz Kalina, PLLC. to provide the professional legal representation you need. To find out how we can help in your case, call or contact our Leesburg divorce attorneys online to request a consultation today.


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