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Leesburg Divorce Attorney > Leesburg Criminal Attorney

Leesburg Criminal Attorney

Criminal and Traffic Defense in Loudoun and Fairfax County

An arrest for a criminal offense in Virginia can start a cascade of negative consequences. In addition to expensive fines and possible jail or prison time, you could lose your job, your driver’s license, or your professional occupational license. With a criminal record, you can have a hard time getting a decent job or finding a decent place to live, obtaining credit on good terms, owning a firearm or exercising the right to vote. Before you let any of that happen, defend yourself against those charges as best you can. The Leesburg criminal defense attorneys at Schwartz Kalina, PLLC, can help you know your rights and understand your options so you can make the best decisions. We’re with you at every step to make sure you are treated fairly and to try and secure the best outcome possible in your given circumstances. Our Leesburg criminal law attorneys defend people charged with a wide range of felony and misdemeanor offenses in Loudoun and Fairfax counties, including:

  • DUI
  • Reckless Driving
  • Drug Crimes
  • Larceny and Property Offenses
  • Assault and Violent Crime
  • Sex Offenses
  • Fraud, Embezzlement & White-Collar Crime

How can Schwartz Kalina help me with a Loudoun County arrest?

Our attorneys have decades of legal experience in courtroom litigation. Depending on the circumstances, we’ll work with the local prosecutor to secure a favorable outcome that doesn’t involve jail time, or we’ll argue strenuously for charges to be dismissed or reduced. If your best chances include taking your case to trial, we deliver a strong and persuasive case, utilizing every available defense and attacking the weak points in the prosecution’s case against you.

You have the right to have an attorney represent you and defend you, and you should not be convicted unless the prosecutor can convince a judge or unanimous jury that you are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Prosecutors sometimes file charges for offenses that are more serious than they can prove, hoping you’ll plead guilty to avoid a trial. We know the law and won’t be intimidated by a prosecutor’s strong-arm tactics.

Help with Traffic Offenses in Leesburg, Loudoun & Fairfax County

If you get a speeding ticket or traffic ticket, it might seem like the path of least resistance just to pay the fine and put the matter behind you. However, every traffic offense puts three, four or six demerit points on your driving record. Accumulate 18 points in a year or 24 points in two years, and your driver’s license will be suspended for 90 days. You’ll also have to pay to attend a driver improvement clinic before you can get your license back, and you’ll be placed on probation for another six months.

Losing your license can be an immense hardship. It can hamper your ability to get to work or school, take your kids where they need to go, and simply shop and complete the endless tasks of daily living. If you drive for a living, points on your record can prevent you from getting or keeping your job, whether your license is suspended or not. Also, the outrageous fines and fees aren’t the only costs of a traffic ticket; your insurance premiums can skyrocket as your driving record goes down.

Schwartz Kalina, PLLC, can help you keep your record clean when you are cited for moving violations or nonmoving violations in Leesburg and throughout Loudoun and Fairfax counties. We can help with tickets for:

  • Speeding
  • Reckless Driving
  • Hit-and-run
  • Failure to yield
  • Driving on a suspended license
  • Disregarding stop sign or traffic signal
  • DUI

A conviction for Reckless driving or driving under the influence (DUI) will result in a criminal record and all the negative consequences that go along with that, including enhanced penalties for future offenses and cost of insurance. Let us help you get charges reduced or dismissed.

If your job depends on driving or you are facing serious DUI consequences, a traffic citation is worth fighting. Traffic offenses are not as cut-and-dried as the police officers make them seem to be. Law enforcement officers may make any of several errors at different stages in the process, and a skilled and knowledgeable criminal law attorney will identify those errors and keep you from being unfairly penalized.

Help from Compassionate and Dedicated Leesburg Criminal Attorneys

For help with criminal and traffic defense in Fairfax or Loudoun County, call Schwartz Kalina, PLLC, for a free initial telephone consultation with an experienced and dedicated Leesburg criminal defense attorney.

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