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Leesburg Divorce Attorney > Blog > General > Johnny Depp Defamation Lawsuit And False Accusations In Divorce

Johnny Depp Defamation Lawsuit And False Accusations In Divorce


The Johnny Depp defamation lawsuit made headlines. The actor sued his ex-wife, claiming she made false accusations of domestic violence against him, which have irreparably damaged his reputation and career. This type of problem is unfortunately common in divorce cases.  Our Leesburg divorce attorney explains more about the issues involved and how false allegations can impact your divorce proceedings.

Actor Alleges Ex-Wife Of Making False Allegations Against Him

Social media posts are full of opposing opinions regarding the defamation lawsuit filed by Johnny Depp against his ex-wife, actress Amber Heard. The couple married in 2015 and a year later, Heard filed for divorce and sought a temporary restraining order, claiming domestic violence.

Depp’s legal team disputed the accusations, stating that Heard made them in the hopes of obtaining a larger financial settlement in divorce proceedings. The couples eventually settled on an amount and issued a joint statement. in which Heard claimed no physical or emotional abuse occurred during the relationship while Depp insisted no false allegations were made.

A year later, Heard wrote an op-ed article for the Washington post, in which she asserted herself as a survivor of domestic violence. While she never used his name, Depp’s attorneys claim the inference was obvious. The actor suffered damage to his reputation, was dropped from the lucrative Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, and lost other important movie contracts. He is currently suing Heard for defamation, seeking $50 million in damages. She has filed a counterclaim seeking $100 million.

False Allegations In Divorce

Marital misconduct on the part of one of the spouses can have a major impact on a divorce settlement under the Virginia Code. Common types of allegations in divorce proceedings include:

  • Adultery;
  • Alcohol or drug abuse and other addictions;
  • Mismanagement of finances and depleted assets;
  • Abuse and neglect of a spouse, child, or other family members.

Any type of false allegation is harmful, but particularly so when it concerns domestic violence. In addition to making it harder for actual victims to come forward with true stories of abuse, it can do irreparable damage to the reputation and career of the spouse who is wrongfully accused. False allegations of any sort can also jeopardize your rights in a divorce settlement, impacting child time sharing arrangements, the amount of marital property you receive, and your obligations regarding your rights to or payment of spousal support.

Request A Consultation To Discuss Your Case With Our Loudoun County Divorce Attorneys

False allegations are unfortunately common in divorce. If you have been wrongfully accused, reach out to Schwartz Kalina, PLLC. right away. We can thoroughly investigate your case, gathering evidence to prove your innocence, and taking whatever actions needed to hold your spouse accountable.

Get the trusted legal guidance and professional representation you need to protect your reputation and your rights in any divorce settlements or final orders. Call or contact us online and request a confidential consultation to discuss your case with our Leesburg divorce attorneys today.




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